Expected results

Benefits for the participating companies.

The company VIOAERIO LAGKADA SA has a direct financial benefit from NH3end. The biogas plant in Lagadas is of 1MWe capacity and uses as raw material about 220m3 of manure per day and 10 tons of silage. The cost of supply of these materials (purchase for silage and transport for manure) amounts to an average of 330 € for manure and 500 € for silage, therefore the daily cost of supply of raw material amounts to 880 €. With the implementation of NH3end this cost will be reduced to ~ 680 € with a daily benefit of 200 €.

The results arise from the reduction of the required raw material that the unit needs to maintain its power at 1MWe, due to the increase of methane production by 30%. In addition, the cost of disposing of the unit’s effluents will be reduced from 220€/day to ~170 € / day (the effluents are reduced respectively with the reduction of the import of raw materials). Total economic benefit of a biogas plant, 50€ + 200€ = 250€ / day or 91250€ on an annual basis. In addition to the economic benefits, the biogas plant will improve its competitiveness in terms of pollution resulting from its operation in the surrounding area. Specifically: a) the movement of tankers to and from the unit will be reduced, b) the effluents will contain stabilized organic matter and therefore their disposal will not burden the recipient, c) the required area of agricultural land for the disposal of the effluents will decrease due to the reduction of nitrogen concentration in the treated waste (nitrogen pollution legislation) and due to the overall reduction of emissions.

QLAB’s strategic goal is to expand its services to its existing customers (biogas plants) by providing them with optimization services to produce biogas. The services, it already provides, focus on the field of chemical analysis. With its participation in the program, it will develop the appropriate know-how to expand its services as well as its clientele. Therefore, there will be an immediate benefit to QLAB from the implementation of NH3end. DRAXIS provides environmental studies and consulting services. With its participation will specialize its knowledge in a rapidly growing area, energy production from agricultural waste. The benefits for AUTh and IHU will be mainly in the field of scientific research (production of new knowledge, publications, etc.).

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